When Rev. René and I first met on November 2nd, 2012, we were at a spiritual gathering in Waterville, OH. I shared the story of how we met that evening in my recent Inspirational message on our YouTube channel entitled: “The Word”

It’s not unusual, along our spiritual journey, to discover an inspired teaching that captivates us heart and mind. And then we want to immerse ourselves into that teaching or that particular teacher to the exclusion of all else. I’m not suggesting here that is a bad thing. In fact it has been my recommendation to many of my students to stick with one teaching, at least for a while, to help bring clarity to the teaching style and to discover the deeper meanings of the teaching that are often hidden in plane site until the student becomes more intimate with the material.

In my personal experience it took several years in my spiritual journey before I was able to grasp the utter simplicity of the teaching that was covered over by my own resistance to simplicity. I realized much later my resistance was based in my belief that Truth was hard to find and must be complicated if so few people have been able to discover it!

I ultimately realized that even that idea was just another trick of the ego. Plainly said, the ‘ego’ demands its spiritual pathway to be ‘special’. It wants to limit, to judge and to be the final voice of authority about what is acceptable as ‘true’ and what is ‘false’ and make its own ‘religion’. That assures it doesn’t loose control!

We can’t get upset with the ego for doing what we created it to do. After all, distraction is its main goal. But after finally letting go of the need to control, at least enough to allow ourselves to be guided beyond our own best thinking, we can indeed fall into another layer of distraction. The ego says… “OK, you found this teaching and you are not going to listen to me about this. OK, I’ll agree with you. You are special because you found this teaching! So this teaching, now that “I” have found it, is the only teaching worth considering. Nothing else will do and might be a threat to my ‘specialness’.

So, here I go. I’m going to convince everyone that ‘This is the only truth’ and I’m special enough to be the one to do it. So everyone else who doesn’t agree with me is obviously ‘wrong’. It’s so wonderful to be right… right? hahaha That ego is really subtle and tricky. And very good at what it does!

But, once we begin to see that “Only the Truth is true.” That Truth become universal! We find it in everything and everywhere. Even more subtle than the ego! But oh so different. If you have come to a place where you have begun to realize this simple Truth, the “Guides” who are bringing forth this same, simple Truth through Paul Selig are expressing it in yet another beautifully subtle, yet profoundly conversational, dialog. I encourage you to take a look at Word I Am Word. You might find again what you have already found, being expressed in a new way. Love is always being made new! And yet it is eternally changeless.
